Become a 2024 Sponsor
Sponsorship registration is now closed.

Since 1945, birders have migrated to the annual convention of the Maryland Ornithological Society (MOS), hosted each year in a different ecological region of the state. The annual gathering of MOS members and friends features lectures, workshops, social functions, and field trips guided by some of the best birders in Maryland.
Planning is well underway, but we need your help make our 75th annual convention the best yet! The Maryland Ornithological Society is seeking sponsors, with all proceeds going to offset convention costs and keep registration fees reasonable for attendees.
Sponsorship opportunities range from $10 – $2,500, with specific benefits for each level. You can pay online by clicking one of our sponsorship categories below:
- Osprey Sponsors ($2,500)
- Sora Sponsors ($1,000)
- Royal Tern Sponsors ($500)
- Great Blue Heron Sponsors ($250)
- Ring-billed Gull Sponsors ($100)
- Sanderling Sponsors ($10, $25, $50 & $75)
Sponsoring the MOS Convention puts your business or organization directly in view of our 2,000 members and non-member attendees, who spend money on lodging, meals, transportation, and outdoor fun during the convention, and even more on optics and travel year-round.
Sponsors receive media attention from this heavily advertised event, which will be promoted through the MOS website, the Maryland Yellowthroat (our print newsletter), e-newsletter, and social media accounts, as well as press releases distributed regionally and nationally. We also have opportunities to interact with attendees during the convention.
Nationwide, 148.3 million Americans participate in wildlife watching and spend more than $250 billion on related travel and equipment. For more information, please see the 2022 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Join the flock as an MOS Convention sponsor and promote your business or organization to one of the largest growing sectors of the outdoor travel industry!