Info for New Attendees

This page contains information that new attendees will find useful when attending the convention. We conduct a Meet and Greet for new attendees from 11:00am – 12:00pm on Friday, November 22nd, in the Grand Ballroom. Come with any questions you may have. Experienced attendees are also welcome!
Most attendees stay at the convention headquarters or at a nearby hotel since our field trips start early in the morning, but there are a few hotels nearby. Field trips are led by seasoned leaders from within the MOS community and other professional guides having a solid knowledge of the area.
There are many birding festivals, conventions and conferences around the US, and we are glad you are considering coming to the MOS convention. We offer four different time slots for field trips starting on Friday afternoon, through Saturday morning and afternoon, and Sunday morning. We also offer seminars and workshops if you want to take a break from afternoon birding.
The venues we select generally include accommodations, though you do not have to use them. We also offer various meal options.
MOS has a tradition of giving attendees a pin that has a representative bird for the area for that time of year. You will find them in your registration packet that you will get when you check into the convention.
Check-in with the field trip leader before the field trip in the designated parking lot. Transportation to and from field trips is by carpool, arranged right before the trip itself, in the designated parking lot for the trip. If you join in a carpooling, please offer the driver something to offset the cost of gas. If you are a driver, please ensure you know exactly where the trip is going.
Many times we are able to offer a field trip on a boat. If you are interested in birding from a boat, remember to dress appropriately for the weather. It will be windy as the boat moves. Wear comfortable shoes that won’t slip on a boat deck. Bring something to drink and use sunscreen as the water will reflect sunlight up to those on the boat.
The convention ends Sunday afternoon with a “Tally Rally” where we review all the birds seen during the convention. Many participants arrange a post-convention trip to try to see a rare bird others have previously reported.