President’s Welcome
Hoping to welcome you at the 76th MOS Convention.
From the 22nd to the 24th of November 2024, MOS will hold its annual Convention (the 76th!) at the Grand Hotel of Ocean City, MD. I very much hope to welcome you there in person.
Whether this is your first MOS Convention or whether you have not missed one in many years, I trust that there will be something new for you. Most of our Conventions take place at the end of Spring. Last year, for example, we were at the Wisp Resort of Western MD, among rivers and forests, near Deep Creek lake. It was late May and during field trips we were surrounded by Warblers and Thrushes. This year, we are having one of our rarer Fall or Winter Conventions. Any warbler we’ll meet will be a rarity, unless it is a Yellow-rumped Warbler. Pelicans and Gannets will likely be more abundant than any warbler. Nevertheless, you are here to enjoy the diversity of birds in our State! There will be many field trips, led by skilled leaders and attended by many MOS members.
Our Conventions are geared toward birders as much as they are toward birds. They are a good time to meet and make new friends with members from other chapters, maybe around a nice warm drink. You will also learn about the other U.S. birding organizations. Our Friday night speaker is the President of the American Birding Association, while our Saturday night speaker is a Vice-President of the American Bird Conservancy!
But that’s not all! Besides field trips and great speakers, you are invited to view and learn from interesting posters from biologists, conservationists or environmentalists. Our many sponsors will be delighted to talk to you and you can tempt your luck at winning something in a raffle or silent auction. You will also be among the first to appreciate the winners of the MOS bird photography contest and to admire their winning photos.
Each of our conventions is the perfect time for reviewing our history and contemplating our future! Please be part of it!

–– Evelyn
Evelyn Ralston,
President, Maryland Ornithological Society