
Registration is now closed.
Registration for the 2024 MOS Convention closed November 5, 2024. The registration cost is $50 for members and $70 for non-members with a one year MOS membership-at-large.
To review the meal plans and menu for the convention, please click here.
To reserve your room at the Grand Hotel, or to learn more about other local accommodations, please click here. The special MOS rate for the Grand Hotel ended October 23, 2024.
Refund Policies
- MOS reserves the right to cancel the convention due to unforeseen circumstances, to include a new surge in COVID-19. If that occurs, MOS will refund all registration costs to attendees, including meal costs and donations.
- If an attendee cancels before the end of the registration period, MOS will refund all registration costs to attendees, including meal costs and donations.
- If an attendee cancels after registration closes, MOS will refund the attendee’s registration fee and donation, but not the meal costs because MOS included them in the headcount and are thus liable for that cost.
- If that attendee became a member of MOS for this convention and cancels, they will be given the option to receive a partial registration fee refund and remain a member, or have their full registration fee, meal costs and donation refunded consistent with the pre- or post-registration cancelation policies above.
- All refunds will be consistent with the refund policies. You may request a refund by contacting the MOS webmaster at
How to receive a refund of your MOS Convention registration
If your request is accepted and your registration was made via PayPal or credit card you will be issued a refund via PayPal and should see a credit within approximately a week. If you paid your registration via check and your request is accepted the MOS Treasurer will send you a refund check.