Vendors & Exhibitors 2023
In between field trips at the MOS Convention, walk through our vendor & exhibitor area where you will find businesses and organizations that will provide various birding-related products and services.
The cost is $40. If you wish to become a 2024 vendor, please use this secure PayPal link:
Thanks to our 2023 vendors & exhibitors for their support!
Sustainable Investing is the Future! Global warming, gender equality, environmental protection, human rights, worker protection, criminal reform, sensible gun laws – if these issues and more are priorities in your life, we invite you to learn more about how to align your investments with your values. We manage sustainable portfolios with these values embedded, using mutual funds from companies that are actively pushing corporations to be better citizens of our globe.
Bluebirds of Antietam, a Documentary Film
After spotting an eastern bluebird outside their cabin located near the Antietam National Battlefield in Sharpsburg, Md, Mark and Jean Raabe built bluebirds boxes on their property hoping to stave off the decline in the bluebird population. The film shares the story of their success and the current work that continues to grow and fledge bluebirds on Antietam National Battlefield, one of the oldest continually monitored bluebirds trails in the United States and the only trail within a national park.
Inspired by Nature, Art and Crafts by Lori Lewis
Inspired by Nature features art and crafts of either natural subjects or materials including paintings.
“It is important to me to capture an accurate rendering of the subject while trying to convey its natural personality or demeanor. Painting birds and wildlife is a labor of love for me, and I hope that is evident in every painting that I do.” — Lori Lewis
Wild Birds Unlimited – Fredrick, MD
Wild Birds Unlimited specializes in bringing people and nature together through the hobby of backyard bird feeding and nature products. Our stores offer the highest quality Bird food available. Our food contains no fillers like the Box store brands and is the freshest available, so you get no waste and more birds visiting your feeders. We carry other quality products including Bird Baths, Bird Feeders, Bird Houses, Windchimes and nature related products. Our store address is 7820 Wormans Mill Road, Frederick, MD 21701. Phone: (301) 360-9910. Visit us at or on Facebook!
Maryland-DC Breeding Bird Atlas 3
The Maryland-DC Breeding Bird Atlas is an effort to understand the populations of birds breeding in Maryland and the District of Columbia. Anyone can help collect data for the atlas—in fact, nearly all atlas data are collected by volunteers. If you already go birding, you are only one step away from atlasing—simply record breeding behavior you observe using a breeding code and submit the data through the MD-DC BBA3 eBird portal. If you’d like to learn more, explore the resources available here and connect with the Atlas on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @mddcbba3.
Landscape and Nature Settings by William Hentosh Photography

Landscape and bird nature settings photographed By William Hentosh, are available as matted prints for framing, notecards and bookmarks.
Re-Bird, by Kyle Rambo

Check out Kyle’s bird houses, bird feeders, bird art, and ornithological and natural history learning materials including books and visual aids. All products are made from 100% recycled or reused materials.
Avian Consulting Services

Avian Consulting Services offers solutions-focused support for organizations seeking to make the world a better place for birds. Services offered include assistance with: land use planning/development impact assessment and advocacy, habitat management planning, and conservation program/project initiation. Our experience spans a broad suite of stakeholders, geographies, and sectors, with a recent focus on environmentally responsible renewable energy development.
Living Branches

Nature inspired art that includes jewelry, quilling, watercolor, and masquerade masks as well as landscape and micro photography by Rebecca E. Diller.
Enhancing Your Landscape to Entice Birds

We all love birds and would like more of them in our yards. But how to go from lawn to habitat? Francesca T. Grifo will share her 10-year journey to convert a rather barren Bethesda yard into a lawnless bird-centered habitat. She will take you step by step whether you want to enhance your current landscape, create a hybrid native-cultivated plant environment or take on a wholesale redo. Francesca has a PhD in botany from Cornell University and has taught a variety of classes at Columbia, NYU, American University, and Georgetown. She is the Scientific Integrity Official at the Environmental Protection Agency.